Our Implementations
Development and production of new technologies by our company serves fully to our customers in their work practice.
Have a look at implementations which help in both – in research and in life.
Sunflower – device designed for extracting solar energy
Sunflower is a device that can extract energy from the largest thermonuclear reactor in our Solar System, from the Sun itself. The Sunflower itself is able to find the area of the highest luminous intensity and, from this point on, to monitor this light source to the extent given by its design possibilities.
To obtain electric power, it uses photovoltaic cells and their perpendicular rotation towards sunlight. The electricity obtained in this way is being stored in chemical cells for further usage.
ESSKEY System of electronic keys´ organization and keys´ location monitoring
We have developed the ESSKEY system for electronic organization and keys´ monitoring for administration buildings, hotels, compounds and for any places where you need to keep track of large number of your keys, same ways as you need to manage them. In its advanced setting this device works as an electronic security system which guards not only the keys but their surroundings and their booking system too. It serves as an automatic watch of permanent borrowings.
BATTEST24V – compact meter of accumulator condition and expected service life
BATTEST24V is an advanced hand device for the diagnosis of rechargeable batteries up to 24V. Unlike other testers that measure only the static properties of the accumulators, BATTEST24V can measure the accumulator´s internal resistance based on dynamic changes in the accumulator´s properties. The device diagnosing the service life of chemical accumulators up to 24V batteries works on the principle of monitoring dynamic changes of accumulators properties. The tester doesn´t damage the accumulator and its display shows a big range of diagnostic data.
Dynamometer for measuring muscle spasticity
The dynamometer can measure the angular velocities and the moment of muscle spasticity accurately, primarily in the joints of upper and lower limbs. The apparatus is formed by the Evolution Development kits and its core creates AHMI data processing software.
Investigational methods used in clinical practice are currently generally based on the subjective medical report done by an examining specialist who assesses passive muscle resistance based on a passive isokinetic stretching. The subsequent assessment of the seriousness of the disease is executed and based on the assignment of scale points. Consequently, depending on the results the following process of rehabilitation and the medical report is evaluated.
Evolution Development Kit
Our Evolution Development Kit stands for a modular system of components designed for construction of small, middle and big automated, mechatronic and robotic systems.
Another areas of further application include navigation and positioning systems, smart buildings, remote switching, automated boiler rooms, security systems, accumulator management, model control, energy plantations, sensor systems, bio-potential measurements … All those things, and much more applications, you can get thanks to our Evolution Development Kit (DKE – Development Kit Evolution) which represents an evolution of thinking and approaches to life comfort.
Power Survival Kit – elektrická sada pro přežití
Power Survival Kit (PSK) je sada osobního elektronického vybavení, určená do extrémních provozních podmínek – podzemí, voda, pod vodou a různé přírodní biotopy, kde uživatel potřebuje zdroj energie v podobě elektřiny, tepla a světla. Hodí se pro potřeby armády, záchranáře, průzkumníky a pro všechny milovníky outdooru a extrémních sportů.
V podzemních dílech, na vodě, pod vodou, v různorodých biotopech jako jsou pralesy, poušť či tundra využije armáda, záchranáři, domobrana, průzkumníci i milovníci outdooru elektrickou modulární sadu nástrojů pro přežití (PSK).